Finance Advisory
Aureus Capital Consulting’s professionals are continuously supporting companies to grow by entering new markets or consolidating their position in the region.
Our Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A) specialists provide support in:
Review and appraisal business targets in the region and prepare a map of main indicators and values
Establish contacts and arrange on-site visits of the most suitable targets
Advice on any reorganization needed prior to a deal
Assistance with the preparation of a feasibility and business plan
Assistance with raising finance required (applicable only to advising clients)
Outsource key figures for the transition period
Business Advisory
Our consultants will follow the new location plan from the extremely complex preparation activity to the execution of the business plan and in the many cases extending our support to improve the already established business.
Assistance with feasibility plan and market research
Normalization of existing business model to the local environment
Business planning
Support on funding the project through local and international institutions
Support on finding infrastructures and machines
Research of local partners, coordinate support of local institutions and authorities
Human Resources research and recruiting
Business Services
Market Analyses
Financial evaluations of businesses and assets
Preparation of business plans
Preparation and management of applications for banks and EU structural funds
Preliminary legal and financial due diligence
Research for prospect investments
Support on funding (only for managed projects)
Temporary outsourcing of key management
Human Resources research and recruiting
Company formation and accountancy
Virtual office